Due to potentially damaging temperatures, this item cannot currently be shipped to the following destinations:
Canada, Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Wisconsin
- The heat of the tealight candle within the ceramic base warms the globe, causing the lava to flow
- Glazed ceramic base & cap
- Includes 3 tealight candles
USD $16.99
64 in stock
Candle powered, ceramic Lava Lamp includes 3 candles. Watch the mesmerizing motion of different sized wax blobs as they collide, split apart and ooze their way up and around the glass globe of this peaceful LAVA® lamp. Shiny ceramic finished base and cap make this lamp truly unique. Enjoy the relaxing motion of this fun-sized, non-electric version of the timeless LAVA® lamp.